Thursday, 16 May 2013

Cooroy - Sunshine Coast -   Rain & Cold     High 18 Low 10    Distance 565km                                  

Well, summing up - Australia is a bloody big country!  With extremes of temperature from the cooler south to the hot & humid tropics in the north.  This journey has only skirted the outer coastline and there is much, much more to see.  The inland areas consisting of deserts, mountain ranges, rivers and many outback towns will provide further exciting journeys for us.  We hope to cover some of these in the next couple of years all being well.

When we set out on our journey, one thing we were concerned about was crossing the famous Nullabor Plain but however, this went extremely smoothly with more traffic than we had expected between the towns of South Australia and Western Australia, namely Ceduna and Norseman.  However what did take us by surprise was the remoteness and vast uninhabited distances between Perth and Broome.  Sometimes we would travel for over an hour without seeing another vehicle & with our phones out of range.  We had taken out extra cover for breakdown & towing of both car & caravan but depending on the time of day, it could have taken them 2 days to get to us in the middle of nowhere.

All in all, we had a great time seeing some stunning scenery and meeting many interesting people -many international backpackers and others like us on the road around Australia - some of them taking up to a year to travel around Oz while others had sold their homes and were staying on the road following the sun for as long as 15 years!

Below, I have listed some stats of our journey for those who are interested.

We will now start planning our next trip but that probably won't be for a while.  Thanks to all of our readers for your interest in our journey - it feels as if you are sharing it with us. 

It was raining when we left Cooroy at the beginning of February & it was raining when we returned to Cooroy in May!! (However I have to add that the next day it was back to blue skies and sunshine!)





Mileage                    -    19,498km  (12,111 miles)

Petrol Cost               -     $7801.64  HOW  MUCH???????

Caravan Park Cost   -     $3,129

Weather                    -   Very lucky with the weather - cold around the south of WA but no rain apart for a couple of days in Adelaide - the rest was hot & sunny.

Map of where we have travelled provided by friend, RAW in the UK, who tracked our route on Google Earth.

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