Sunday, 14 April 2013

Coral Bay - Sorry to be boring but it is hot & sunny with blue skies once again -  Temp 36C

Terry went over to buy a Sunday paper and was told that they had sold out as only 8 had been delivered this morning!! (I estimate that there are about 500 people staying here in the 2 caravan parks - no wonder they sold out early)!!

Also the local "supermarket" (I call it that advisedly as it is more of a corner store) usually has a delivery twice per week of fresh meat etc but to date has had no deliveries for TWO weeks!!  Good job we stocked up at Woolies before we left Carnarvon.

We have to refuel whenever we can because sometimes the servos run out of fuel - not usually the main ones on the highway but you can never take anything for granted.

We are spending 3 nights here - just veging out on the beach etc.  EVEN Terry has been swimming each day so that tells those who know him, how warm the water must be, because he won't go in unless the water is at least 30C.

Coral Bay
(swimmers snorkellling off the beach)

Late afternoon on the beach
A fishing charter came in and the guys were cutting up the catch at the fish gutting table near the beach when the big fellow below arrived looking for a free handout, which he promptly took into the bush to enjoy.............


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