Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Denham & Monkey Mia -  Hot & sunny, blue skies with the odd little cloud.   High 33C

Off early to see the dolphins at Monkey Mia.  We stood at the waterside to listen to a talk about the dolphins and then we watched while several swam right into the edge of the water and ate the fish
that were handed to them which brings me to our friend in Chelteham, Robert the Complicado.  When he visited Australia, at the top of his wishlist was to feed dolphins.  So we took him to Tin Can Bay in Queensland to see the dolphins in the wild.  Several dolphins arrived and everyone was given the opportunity to feed them but much to our surpise, Robert declined to get involved so I had to step into the breach and feed them so that he could take his holiday snaps, followed by a large plate of bacon & eggs!  So Robert if you are still keen on dolphins, here at Monkey Mia there is a pod of 600 living out in the bay and they sometimes get as many as 27 come in to feed so if one day you do return to Oz maybe a visit to Monkey Mia should be on your list.

Monkey Mia Resort
waiting to feed the dolphins



Carefully supervised feeding of the dolphins
The feeding of the dolphins is carefully monitored and no-one is allowed to touch them because the diseases that can be transferred from humans can be devestating to dolphins.

Monkey Mia Resort
After the feeding of the dolphins, we went to the cafe for a cup of coffee and were very surpised to see emus wandering around the resort.  They just wander in from the surrounding countryside.  We were even more surprised to see them paddling in the ocean as normally these animal live in the dry inland areas. 

Visiting Emus

Emus enjoying a paddle in the sea
Our 5min cup of coffee turned into an hour-long chat when we got talking to the couple on the next table.  They were from Perth - up here on holiday - and we found we had a lot in common and a lot to talk about!  That is the beauty of caravan travel - you meet up with some lovely people.

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